Busy, busy, busy!

It was Sunday and the day before the start of most people's working week but, by the afternoon, I'd stopped trying to catch up on the previous week.

7 days into June and I was keen to know how we'd done in May with COVID19 hanging over us and the gloom and doom members of the press pumping out wild figures on house prices, ably assisted by government. 

What a shock!

We actually agreed sales on more property than any month prior in 2020.

Not by loads, but still more.

The mindset has to be positive and unreceptive to negativity. If June continues in the same vane, and given the level of new instructions people seem to be keen and intent on moving home, so who knows where we'll be come the end of the month.


After this weekends viewings we've agreed 5 sales today, one at over asking price. 

If you have a property that you think you'd like to sell then talk to us now!

01353 665020
